Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Whell the GFS and WRF Models show us getting some snow but the question is when?
The WRF has it coming in early Friday Morning and the GFS has it coming in Thursday afternoon.
Another model (the UKMET looks to have it in here by Thursday afternoon also).

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wet Change

We went from being below freezing for a couple days to highs in the 70s in about a week. Gotta love that Mississippi weather. Problem is that when get this warm this time of year it can lead to problems. Wednesday may be stormy with a couple inches of rain. And another storm system looks to come in on Saturday.

Monday, January 4, 2010


I will have mote tomorrow, but it is cold out there. The current high temperature is 25 at my place, and it is only 7:00pm. I saw some snow today, nothing more than flurries though.