Wet October is over and so far November has been great. However today the sky has been filling in clouds and rain is on the way. We ended the month with 9.71 inches of rain at my house(October averages around 3.5 inches).
Now onto the big story. Hurricane Ida is in the Gulf and headed north. Now the forecast track takes it up to some where near the MS/AL border then it takes a sharp right turn away from us. This makes for a tough forecast for us in Central MS. There looks to be a trough in the upper levels approaching from the west. This could combine with Ida and make for a very wet forecast. Problem is where. I do believe we will see heavy rains in central MS with the worst to our east. However slight changes in the location of either Ida or the trough could make a large difference in who sees the most rain.

I'm letting other people know about your blog now. :)